Friday, October 3, 2008

Liberals vs. Conservatives: The Middle Road

With all of the political things that are going on right now in America, the differences between liberals and conservatives have been highlighted throughout these election processes. But even amidst all of our differences, there is still a Middle Road that we can walk on together in order to bring about the greatest success for Christianity and for people's well-being.

Liberals and conservatives have fundamental differences in their concepts, but they also have commonalities in their ideology. They both care deeply about the middle class. They both want those living in poverty to have opportunity, prosperity, and success. They both are passionate about this country and its future success and sustainability. Granted, liberals and conservatives go about doing these things in different ways, but we can definitely capitalize on any of the things that we would have in common with each other.

Liberals and conservatives need to find the Middle Road with these things. They need to connect on the things that they have in common in order for us to be able to get things done and help people. They need to walk together on the things that they can walk together on. They need to connect on the things that they can connect with.

There is a Middle Road for liberals and conservatives - and we have to learn how to walk on it together if we are going to help the people around us.