Sunday, June 22, 2008

Middle Road Even When Opinions Differ

Recently there was a unique situation that is unfortunately not as unique and rare as it should be. This situation dealt with the people from a local conference called “Shake the Nation” and protesters from local human rights groups. These two groups were arguing about some political and Christian issues. Local press covered the protests and spoke with people from both sides. In all, it was a regular protest scene in a place that is definitely not used to having protests. But it should have been a situation where we can all walk on a Middle Road.

The Christians from the conference held fast to their position and did not relent one bit. They believed that homosexuals are evil, gay marriage is evil, schools should have prayer, and many other stances on Christian-political topics. They were resolute and stubborn on their positions – stubborn to the point that they seemed arrogant and prideful. They were going to do whatever they had to – including upset every person in America – in order to get their way…and subsequently help the people that they just upset. They want to have specific Christian beliefs in politics and policy so that they can unite the very people that they are currently separating!

There needs to be a Middle Road in these types of situations. Sometimes Christians need to set aside their agendas in order to love people and have community with people. It seemed like the Christians at this conference were enjoying the contention and the dissension. That is a horrible attitude, and it had a terrible impact on the reputation of Christians in Idaho.

We have to focus on finding a Middle Road in ways to share our opinions and beliefs.

We have done a pretty poor job so far, and we need to do better.

We need to do better because we can do better.

There is a Middle Road.

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