Sunday, July 27, 2008

"The Shack" - Good or Bad? We Should Not Be The Judge...

Has anyone ever read the book called "The Shack"? It is a very popular book that presents a different - very different for some people - view of God and His relationship with people. I will not give a summary of the book or spoil the ending or anything, but if you have read it then you know what I am talking about. And if you have not read it, then I hope that you do. At the very least, it is an interesting read.

But here is the problem that we run into when things like this come out. These are the things that are on the edge - the things that are slightly controversial but extremely helpful. There are two groups that people fall into when these books or videos or music comes out: the group that immediately denounces these things because they do not agree with strict Christian theology and the group that gets something out of these books that helps their lives. But we do not need to form these two opposing groups. We do not need to have controversies and arguments and meaningless debates with two sides who will never change their positions. We don't need to have rebels, and we don't need to have theological dictators.

What we need to have is a Middle Road - a place where we can all walk together.

Recently, I have been researching what the Christian media has been saying about The Shack because of a discussion that I have been having with the editor of Treasure Valley Christian News. But this discussion and mild research has brought to light a disturbing phenomenon. It is something that we need to stop doing because it is getting us nowhere.

These controversial books and resources are something that certain Christian leaders and media members like to prey upon. It seems like anything - anything - that is inconsistent with theology and Scriptures is immediately deemed heresy and red stamped with a "DO NOT READ" sticker. It almost seems like these leaders use a metal detector to find things that could potentially somehow cause people to go astray - while completely ignoring any benefits that the books can have, as well. In the case of The Shack, the book is a fiction book. It is not meant to be a systematic theology or a Bible study. It is simply a fiction book that wants to try to tell a story that can help people connect better with the Lord.

And that is exactly what it does. Despite any of its alleged or real faults, the book does a great job of helping people get closer to Christ. Maybe proponents of the book are too defensive and are furthering the argument - but that is beside the point. It is undeniable that The Shack has helped people get one step (or many steps) closer to God. Basically, The Shack is an interesting fiction book that has uniquely helped people get closer to God.

We have to quit arguing. We have to quit putting things down because they are minutely off-base - so minutely that no one would ever notice if leaders and media members had not negatively identified them. While theology and Scripture are definitely important to our faith, its defense needs to be tempered with reason and experience. The Shack is a good book that can help people get closer to the Lord - plus it does not hurt to be reminded of our Scriptural and theological foundation.

Our in-house fights and controversies are getting us nowhere. But if we figure out how to walk on the Middle Road together - well, that will take us somewhere.


Lifetalker said...

My wife is only two chapters away from the finished. She has throughly enjoyed the book. From her perspective, it has opened her eyes to the fact that when you really get down to it, God really is in love with people. It seems to me that God has gotten a bad rap, mostly because we in the church are famous for mixing the old covenant with the new covenant.

The end result of course is powerless living! Why because the old Testament preached that it was all based on my behavior and the new testament says it is all about what Christ did for us.

Bottom line of The Shack is of course, relationship. God is all about connecting with His kids. I am sure that the book will touch people in a lot of different ways.

Scott Johnson

Kenton Arthur Lee said...

Exactly. I am right with you. That is why I just hope that some Christian leaders - especially those with a lot of influence - can give this book a chance and stop denouncing everything about it. We've got to find the Middle Road on this!

PhreeThinker said...

i'm a truth seeker, in love with God's word. i'm just now learning about this book. i found a radio broadcast about "The shack"-

Kenton Arthur Lee said...


This is one of the radio shows from influential Christian leaders that is not even giving The Shack a chance. It just taking a magnifying glass and searching out for problems with something that is just meant to be a good fiction story that sheds more light onto who God is. Again, we have to start to find a middle road where we can all be on the same team. As much as these influential radio people would hate to admit it, this book is helping people. This book is meeting a need. We have to find the Middle Road with this so that we can take the good things from this book and the good things from theological and Scriptural study. We have to stop putting each other down and find the Middle Road.

Anonymous said...


Reference your comments on the book, "The Shack"
A BIG THANK YOU!!! I had found this book, loved it, recommended it and even brought it for friends. So here I was today reading the good, the bad, and downright ugly reviews and judgement statements being made about a book I had so come to appreciate and learn from.
As I searched for the "truth" I began to think maybe... and suddenly all I felt like doing was praying that I hadn't caused harm. Your statements in this blog truly helped me and settled my heart about this. I know for a certainty that my God is not a God of confusion. So thank you again, this too will all work together for His good and for His purpose.

Matt Edquist said...

Such common sense remains uncommon. Reminds me of the statement by on of the Wesley boys, Charles or John...I paraphrase...we need not or will not believe alike but we can all Love alike. Thanks for providing the sensible middle ground.

Anonymous said...

Fiction is fiction... God's word is God's word!! learn the difference. We all stand before God one day and then HE will be our judge!!

Lifetalker said...
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Lifetalker said...

The message in The Shack is that God is not trying to escape connection with us, He loves us and has provided a way for us to have a living, vibrant relationship.

When we get this perception into us of how much God loves us, it will change us. When you understand that God is love and that God sooooo loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son to save us, it will change the way you look at the world. It will change your perceptions. It will change your values. It will change your decisions. It will change the very way you live.

Scott Johnson