Sunday, November 30, 2008

Emmanuel: God With Us...God Still Coming


God with us.

My favorite Christmas song of all-time is "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel". I absolutely love the song. Even more than the rhythym of the song and the E-minor chords - I love the words. There is a beautiful message behind the words that paints a deeper picture of God as Emmanuel.

"O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel...
Rejoice, rejoice,Emmanuel
will come for thee,O, Israel..."

Emmanuel means 'God with us', but this song talks about Emmanuel still coming, as well. It highlights the intracacies of a God who is with us and still coming to be with us. It portrays a Savior who is both already with us and who is still coming for us. A God who is with us yet still coming - Emmanuel.

But why would this be a good thing? How does this even make sense?There is a certain hope that resides with God, a hope that causes rejoicing. Even right now in 2008, God is with us. Yet He is still coming, as well. We rejoice in His constant presence in our lives now, and we rejoice that He is still coming one day to take us with Him. There is a constant comfort in His daily presence and a perpetual hope for His eventual return.

When Christ came to us on that blessed Christmas morning, things did not end there. God was with us, but God was still coming, too. Thus, we can sing just like the Israelites "O come, O come, Emmanuel...". We can ask God to come even though He is the God who is 'with us'. He is always on the move, and He is always where He needs to be.

I know it might not all make sense. But I know that we serve a wonderfully beautiful and mysterious God - a God who is both creative and practical. A God who hears our prayers. A God who comes. A God who is here. A God who is still coming.

Emmanuel - God with us. Emmanuel - God still coming.


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